Saturday 27 April 2013

No Longer Trapped

After somewhat of a difficult morning, I find twenty minutes of calmness, during which time I amusingly draw Partrick McGoohan style picture. He isn't looking as angry as he normally does, his eyes taken out of the shadow more, more heroic larger square chin instead of the small rounded one. All in all I am pleased with it, I just wish I would have taken more pictures-in-progress. Why blue ink? you may ask well I only have 0.1mm, 0.3mm and 0.5mm in black, this picture is huge almost the whole A4 page and would have taken ages to ink, besides it will all come out black when I scan it. Hope you like it too.

Thursday 25 April 2013

I Keep Getting Saturday Morning Cartoon

I am currently planning a new comic book, so I am just practicing at the moment and drawing whatever comes in my head and I keep getting these. I want the comic to have a more black and white / noir style the subject matter is quite serious but I keep getting well "Saturday Morning Cartoon Style" I know obviously I'll need a lot more shading to get a noir style comic, I just think it is quite funny how off the mark these have come out. I still think they are pretty good just not what I was aiming for.

Oh Well.