Monday, 17 June 2013

Bamboo, white ink and sketching my spare time.

So first up I have invested in a WACOM Bamboo touch with the Manga Studio / Anime Studio pack. That said I drew this in Photoshop Elements 11, it is a bit wibbly wobbly but I have gotten better since. I haven't had much time with it but I like, a lot and it will be good fun when I start loading in pencil sketches and inking them, this was drawn freehand.

I don't know why but I felt the need to ink in white on black paper, so I bought some white ink. I used the Sakura Ink Gelly Roll for the fine lines (the coverage is very uneven) and Windsor and Newton White Caligraphy Ink (very clumpy) but you can ink over it in black which it lovely to neaten up things. I used my lovely Rotring Tikky pens to re-ink black over the white ink.

I have started a new job and it is fairly full but good, so on my lunch breaks, I have been making sure I sketch to keep up my "skills".

I have a bunch of different bots now, I think I'll put together a little story for them all to feature in soon.

That is all for now.

All Images Copyright Matthew C. Applegate ©2013

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