Sunday, 2 June 2013

G-pens, ink and more bots.

I have spent some of the day playing with my new pens. I have the ZIG Kuretake G-Pen Nibs and the Saji-Pen Nibs. The G-pen is the all rounder with the Saji being the broad pen, but requires more pressure. I used the Windsor & Newton Black ink I already have on the paper test below, I will get some "Deleter" ink in the future and maybe some "Deleter" paper too.

1) Tesco Value Copier paper bleeds a little bit. 
2) Tesco Presentation Card bleeds very little, probably the best.
3) Boldmere High Quality Cartridge Paper bleeds really badly.

I am new to this, so I am not saying any of the papers are bad, they just might not be the best for this specific job. I am just trying them out so I can get the best results with what I have. I 'll try them again when I get new paper and new ink. All of them take ages to dry, probably as it is discharging more ink than a fibre-tip or brush, It seems the smoother the paper the better the results, hot pressed being best.

I am not sure if it is a method of inking I will ever use but it is always interesting to try out different methods.

Here are some more bots. The first one is clearly Manga-Mech inspired.

All images copyright Matthew C. Applegate.

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