Wednesday 11 September 2013

More digi-bots

I have gotten really in to digi-tizing my bots, taking them from pencil sketches to inked versions to re-inking them in illustrator. They take about 20-30 minutes each digi-tizing so probably an hour for each bot.

So I decided to do my favourite group sketch again but digitally.

I started with this guy.

 Here is a compilation shot of all my favourite bots so far. All the robots are complete and built up in layers so I can re-use the graphics again for other things. I have shuffled them around a bit but they are all there.
I dodn't even both inking these, I just scanned the pencil versions and inked them digitally in illustrator.

 That is it from me for now, I think I'll try some anime characters, but which ones?

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